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Non-Fare Revenue Generation in a post-Covid World

Online, CET time (UTC+1)
3 > 18 Nov. 2020
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The context


COVID- 19  has  turned  mobility  services  upside  down.  People  are  travelling  less  and  their  travel  patterns  are  subject  to  on-going  alteration.  Many  public  transport  operators  are struggling with having to make constant service adjustments due to reduced demand and having  to make service additions  due  to  imposed  requirements  for  social  distancing.  Fares are under tremendous pressure – many cities have waived fares or are heavily discounting them.   Under   these   circumstances, ensuring   financial   sustainability   of   public   transport services is a serious challenge. Implementing Non-Fare  Revenue  (NFR)  generation  strategies  are  a  practical and  pragmatic  way   to   cushion the current challenges  with public transport service provision.    NFR   builds collaborative partnerships and brings passengers back into public transport networks and service   facilities. It provides an accessible path  to long-term  sustainability of  public transort systems through creating steady streams of relatively ‘risk-free income’- income that leverages the fundamental characteristics and competitive advantages of public transport.

Here’s what you will learn

This course provides  the best  practices deployed worldwide to maximise Non-Fare Revenue generation,   through leveraging existing public transport assets. You will  learn the underlying principles and approaches, including how well-planned NFR initiatives enhance the 'customer experience'.
  • How to design and deploy effective strategies for generating paid advertising on public transort assets
  • How to achieve revenue from retail in train stations, bus stops and service interchange points
  • How to successfully integrate bus stops and  light/heavy rail stations with surrounding urban developments. Learn about the various forms of Transit- Oriented Development (TOD) and how to best apply them in your city
  • How to sell ‘entrances’ and  naming  rights
  • How to use your network to generate revenue from telecommunications services  
  • How to license and franchise your  public transport service facilities 
  • How to develop profitable and  sustainable commercial partnerships

The online sessions are complemented by a Workshop on the setting up of a post-COVID Non-Fare Revenue Action Plan.

Why choose an online course?

  • Interact with public transport professionals from across the world
  • Be time efficient, with 7 sessions over a 2 week timespan
  • Flexibility to join the sessions from any location in the world, at work or at home

A top level methodology

  • Get inspired by our trainers, understand the main aspects of Non-Fare Revenue Generation
  • Participate ininteractive plenary sessionswith introduction by course leader, presentation by trainers and open discussion with participants
  • Challenge your practical knowledgeon Non-Fare Revenue Generation
  • Address the topic from aninternational perspective, enriched by different cultural approaches and points of views
  • Participate inpractical exercises and case studies
  • Benefit from aunique exchange of knowledgeand experience between professionals
  • Exchange experiences and discuss key topics during aworkshop in smaller groups
Who is it for?
  • Senior and mid-level management responsible for strategy, finance, operations, business development and customer service in public transport authorities, operators and service delivery partner organisations
  • Experienced professionals as well as newcomers to the field, who are interested in obtaining a wider perspective on Non-Fare Revenue in public transport and wish to learn from international best practice
Join this online course