This is where the Mobility as a Service (MaaS) concept steps in: MaaS is about taking away the hassle of finding the most suitable mobility option. It is about is the integration of different transport services (such as public transport, ridesharing, car-sharing, bike-sharing, scooter-sharing, taxi, car rental, ride-hailing and so on) in one single digital mobility offer, with active mobility and an efficient public transport system as its basis.
Part of the challenge is that setting up such an innovative integrated mobility platform means moving outside the exclusive control of traditional company boundaries. MaaS requires a business ecosystem where multiple organisations act in collaboration, mixing the traditional boundaries of business sectors and companies, and involving users in the co-creation.
The objective of this training programme is firstly to better understand the current urban mobility trends and the complexity of integrating them from a user perspective. The course then aims at accompanying participants through the process of implementing a successful MaaS solution: complying with objectives set by the city, understanding the needs of travellers, successfully involving mobility providers to eventually design a sustainable MaaS business model.
NB: A good level of English is a compulsory requirement to attend the training.
UITP Training Programmes and all related processes are certified for ISO29990:2010 – the standard for learning services for non-formal education and training.
Our skilful trainers are international experts and professionals with extensive experience and knowledge in the development and application of MaaS.