UITP Academy is launching an online course on Cybersecurity with the support of LTA Academy starting on 4 May 2021 and ending on 11 May 2021. The course features 8 interactive online sessions and interactive workshop.
Worried about cybersecurity? Join the club! As public transport becomes increasingly digitized, cyber threats are here to stay. Public transport networks must ensure that they are ready to tackle cyber threats. Cybersecurity is vital to protect IT systems from mishap, be they accidental or intentional. The problem is technical, but the solutions are only partly technical. This training course will give participants a deep understanding of how to address cyber risks based on the following three pillars:
People: People are often responsible for most security vulnerabilities (error and ignorance, not to mention malicious intent), but are also the greatest line of defense. Creating a culture of awareness and providing training opportunities for all staff profiles, is the most important pillar.
Policies + procedures: People must be supported by fit-for-purpose policies and procedures, and also be supported at Board level.
Physical protection: This is the ‘easiest’ element to implement and involves a number of technical protection layers.
Source: Action Points – Cybersecurity in Public Transport, UITP, 2017
UITP Training Programmes and all related processes are certified for ISO29990:2010 – the standard for learning services for non-formal education and training.
NB: This course is suitable for those who are fluent or have a high level in English
Our skillful trainers are composed of international experts and professionals with extensive experience and knowledge in the strategic, operational and technological areas of cybersecurity.