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Recognising that cybersecurity is increasingly important, and that the threat will continue to grow, UITP’s dedicated Cybersecurity Committee aims to increase awareness among members and attract top level expertise. Ensuring the security of public transport systems is essential for the continued growth and success of the sector, as well as the safety and trust of passengers and employees.

The UITP Committee on Cybersecurity with representatives from public transport authorities, operators and industry is already working on 10 work packages. They focus on ensuring the security of public transport systems, and are designed to address the growing threat of cyber-attacks. The Committee has received requests for additional work packages, and is actively working on expanding its efforts to address the needs of the sector. By continuing to prioritise cybersecurity, UITP is committed to supporting the digital transformation of the public transport industry.

Read more
Risk management & resilience: Interview with Cyber Security Committee Chair Paul Gwynn picture
Risk management & resilience: Interview with Cyber Security Committee Chair Paul Gwynn


  • 36 active members and growing
  • from 19 countries
  • representing rail, metro, light rail and bus
  • working on 10 work packages

Why we talk about cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is critical for the public transport sector. Transport systems often involve large amounts of sensitive data, including personal information of passengers and employees. This makes them a target for cyber-attacks. They are also vital infrastructure, and disruptions caused by cyber-attacks can have serious consequences for the safety and reliability of the services.

Meanwhile, the increasing use of technology in public transport, such as automated systems and smart payment systems, also increases the potential vulnerabilities to cyber-attacks. Ensuring the security of these systems is essential for the continued success and growth of the public transport sector.


  • Committee Chair


    Paul GWYNN

    International Business Development Director, INIT Group
  • UITP

    Miryam HERNANDEZ

    Senior Manager - Knowledge & Innovation
    [email protected]
  • UITP

    Benjamin STEENS

    Officer - Knowledge & Innovation
    [email protected]
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