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© Benny Rotlevy

Transport authorities for metropolitan areas: The benefits and options in times of change

  • Global
  • Decision-making
  • Future of Mobility
  • Regulations
  • Tendering
  • Urban transport policy

Improving the governance of urban transport around the world

Given the huge and complex transport challenges that metropolitan areas around the world are facing, many are looking at how they can plan and operate transport in the future in a more coordinated way.

The aim of this report is to provide an accessible and non-technical guide to the benefits of establishing metro area transport authorities, issues to be aware of in doing so and the options for the different forms they can take.

The report, co-written by the Urban Transport Group (UTG), also examines four key contemporary challenges for both new and existing transport authorities: the climate imperative; new business models and mobility formats; fairness and social justice; and the triumph of place. Finally the report provides advice on how to meet the challenges of transitioning to more empowered transport authorities as well as further reading.

Given the huge and complex transport challenges that metropolitan areas around the world are facing, many are looking at how they can plan and operate transport in the future in a more coordinated way. I hope this report can help provide an accessible and non-technical guide to the benefits of metropolitan area transport authorities as well as the issues around establishing them and the options for the different forms they can take.
Jonathan Bray
Director of Urban Transport Group

The Urban Transport Group is the UK’s network of city region transport authorities. They work to ensure that transport plays its full part in making our city regions greener, fairer, happier, healthier and more prosperous places. They make the case for urban transport – in particular for the funding and powers their members need to plan and deliver transport networks that support inclusive and sustainable growth. They provide thought leadership by making the connections between transport policy and the wider public policy goals of city regions. They are the professional network for people who work in urban transport in the public sector, and save their members time and resources by accelerating the take up of best practice through sharing knowledge and expertise.