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Statistics Brief

The global tram and light rail landspace

  • Africa
  • Asia-Pacific
  • Eurasia
  • Europe
  • Latin America
  • MENA
  • North America
  • Asset management
  • Data
  • Infrastructure
  • Maintenance

The evolution of LRT

Light rail transit (LRT) and trams have enjoyed a renaissance since the new millennium, with no less than 108 new cities (re)opening their first line. As of 31 December 2018, LRT systems are available in 389 cities across the world. With continued pressure to reduce congestion, to improve air quality in cities and to reduce greenhouse gas emission contributing to climate change, it is no wonder that LRT continues to obtain support of decision makers and the travelling public. LRT consumes clean energy and is space-efficient.

This Statistics Brief article describes the evolution of LRT across the world from 2015 up to 2017, and provides a snapshot of the situation in 2018.

  • 14,651 million

    Annual ridership in 2018

  • 37,290

    LRT vehicles worldwide

  • 389

    Cities with LRT, as of 2018

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