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Policy Brief

Integrating walking and public transport

  • Global
  • Integrated mobility
  • Intermodality
  • Pedestrian areas
  • Urban transport policy
Multimodality is key

How public transport & walking go together

Most public transport journeys start and end with a walk. In fact, walking can constitute half the time spent on multimodal trips and can be the main element of what people remember afterwards.

The integration of walking and public transport is a key strategy for reducing the use of private cars, reducing carbon emissions, and improving the fiscal viability of public transport services while enhancing urban efficiency and livability.

Alongside other organisations, UITP partnered with Walk21 to inform a landmark publication on the integration of walking and public transport.

Why should we focus on integration? What is the evidence and what does integration look like? Find the answers in this insightful Policy Brief.

Read the full Policy Brief!


  • Fixing a missed connection
  • What is the evidence?
  • What does integration look like?
  • What are the benefits?
  • How to achieve integration?
  • Who can we learn from?
  • Where can we get more information?


Who can we learn from?

Transport Infrastructure, Ireland
Washington Metro, USA
Transport for New South Wales, Australia
Transport for Cairo, Egypt
Share your expertise

Public Perception on Active Mobility in MENA Region Survey

UITP MENA is conducting a survey that aims to assess the current landscape of active mobility (walking, cycling, e-scooter) with the aim of enhancing the active mobility adoption across the region.

Your input is invaluable for shaping the future of urban transportation in MENA cities. If you live in any MENA city, we need your help. The findings from the survey will contribute to a knowledge report, providing actionable insights for enhancing active mobility in the region.

Help shape the future mobility in your MENA city

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