UITP and ETF, the social partners in urban public transport, identified the digital transformation in urban public transport as an emerging topic for the social dialogue already some years ago within the European Social Dialogue Work Programme. Together, we decided to carry out a joint project, Digital transformation and social dialogue in Urban Public Transport in Europe.
The digital transformation of the sector is an ongoing process and the Covid-19 pandemic has even accelerated digitalisation and so called ‘smart working practices’. The current developments due to the digital transformation will have both facilitating and disruptive effects on future urban mobility.
The objective of the project was to gain a better understanding of the technological developments taking place in our sector and their impact on employment, working conditions, professions and skills.
We have chosen four areas for deeper analysis:
The final report presents the main findings of the project based on desk research and the evaluation of a broad range of information on the digital transformation of urban public transport and the role of social dialogue in this context.