TER4RAIL entails a coordination and support action to determine transversal exploratory research activities among different actors that are beneficial for railways. The Shift2Rail Multi Annual Action Plan (MAAP) will play a central role in the establishment of future interoperable railway systems suitable for European society and environment. However, due to the rapid pace of technological change and innovation, it is necessary to be aware of the novel possibilities that can enable an increasingly sustainable progress in this regard.
TER4RAIL will be able to select and synthetise a considerable amount of information regarding railways’ futures and transmit them in a consolidated, improved, clear, and understandable manner. This should facilitate the realisation of TER4RAIL’s ambition of being the reference for the evolution of EU railways.
Within the project, the European railway community is represented by different actors (industry, academia, users, researchers, and policy makers) with different perceptions regarding technological applications and different objectives for the future. In TER4RAIL, UITP will organise a workshop for planners and urbanists to discuss future urban scenarios in order to identify the features that will directly impact the conception of future rail systems, and provide arguments that support urban rail by participating in data collection.
TER4RAIL is coordinated by Eurnex.
More information: www.ter4rail.eu/
Follow TER4RAIL on Twitter: www.twitter.com/Ter4R
TER4RAIL has received funding from the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 826055.
Budget from Shift2Rail