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EU funded


  • Europe
  • European Research projects
  • Risk management
  • Terrorism

PRocurEments of innoVativE, advaNced systems to support security in public Transport

PREVENT focuses on pre-empting attacks in public transport by enabling earlier detection of terrorists and potentially dangerous objects, tracking of detected individuals or situations and coordinating the response of security forces. This focus is shared, from the start, by 22 organisations from 10 countries, public transport operators, security forces, public buyers, city authorities of which 12 are consortium partners and 10 are members of the PREVENT User Observatory Group (UOG).

PREVENT implements a progressive and iterative process to deliver 6 jointly defined Common Security Scenarios that capture threats and vulnerabilities. It also delivers a vulnerabilities and threats taxonomy directly applicable to the public transport world. For these scenarios, PREVENT undertakes a gap analysis between available solutions, existing standards, on-going research and identified needs, from which it elaborates a multi-dimensional roadmap of innovations and solutions. The roadmap is an online interactive tool that feeds the sustainability of PREVENT’s community. The highest priority innovations in the roadmap are selected by practitioners and public buyers to define a Common Challenge.

PREVENT is coordinated by the Engineering Group.

More information: www.prevent.eng.it/#/

Follow PREVENT on Twitter: www.twitter.com/PreventH2020

PREVENT has received funding from the. European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 833444.

  • 17


  • May 2019-August 2020


  • €1.9 million


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