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  • Europe
  • European Research projects

Modelling and strategies for the assessment an OPtimisations on Energy USage aspects of rail innovation

The aim of OPEUS is to develop a simulation methodology and accompanying modelling tool to optimise the energy consumption of rail systems with a particular focus on in-vehicle innovation. The OPEUS concept is based on the need to understand and measure the energy being used by each of the relevant components of the rail system and in particular the vehicle. This includes the energy losses in the traction chain, the use of technologies to reduce them and to optimise energy consumption (e.g. ESSs).

The concept is based on outcomes generated by a number of key collaborative projects (e.g. OSIRIS and others). Its outputs will be the base to complete the operational requirements by enhancing the urban duty cycles and provide a global vision of energy consumption in railways (OSIRIS and others).

OPEUS’ ambition is to firmly contribute to the following key areas:

  • Understand energy consumption of urban railways;
  • Develop a tool to objectively compare technologies and strategies aimed at optimising the energy usage of railway systems;
  • Unlock the potential contribution that novel technologies and associated strategies can make to optimising rail energy consumption;
  • Share a global vision for how energy is used in railways.

UITP’s role in OPEUS will include identification of the urban rail energy requirements and support to the development of the project simulation system, based on previous work done both within the OSIRIS project. UITP will also help define the reference simulation scenarios for urban and suburban/regional operations as well as assess the future energy needs and usage within the wider rail sector.

More information:www.opeus-project.eu/

  • 6


  • November 2016-April 2019


  • €797,000



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