The GSA-funded ARIADNA project supports the adoption of EGNSS for Public Transport and urban mobility by raising awareness on GALILEO / EGNOS benefits, and its superior technical features, among the different stakeholders involved, namely decision-makers, PTAs/PTOs, and supporting the introduction of new solutions provided by SMEs and start-ups, in a fruitful cooperation with academia and research centres, ultimately promoting visibility at global scale, generating broad awareness, and technological capacitation. To some extent, ARIADNA can be considered as a natural continuation of the GSA-funded Galileo 4 Mobility project, which ended in June 2020.
In a thriving context of transformation of urban mobility, where schemes combining public and private mobility options (also known as Mobility as a Service) are evolving faster than ever due to social, economic and technological changes, Public Transport Authorities (PTA), Public Transport Operators (PTO), and industrial providers must get prepared and adopt the necessary tools and knowledge to manage the mobility services of the future in a more flexible and efficient way. EGNSS has the potential to enhance the quality of public transportation by reducing operational costs, and reducing negative externalities, while fostering the development of a wide range of new shared mobility services.
ARIADNA is coordinated by Factual. UITP is taking the lead on dissemination and outreach activities.
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ARIADNA has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870264.