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We create our output thinking of you, So what news caught your attention in 2022?

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Closing off the year...

With the stories that mattered to you

Everyone loves a stroll down memory lane…

They’ve written songs about it. Penned poems. We even get sent memes and gifs showing how we all love nothing more than a look back to the good old days.

Now we may not be able to take you back to relive them, but we do invite you to join us on a journey through the past twelve months.

So before we tear off the final page of our annual desk calendar (we’re back in the office after all!), we’re here to present you with some key facts and figures to close the book on an eventful 2022.

UITP is a hub of activity all year round, with events, publications, trainings, projects, committees, and much more. And with that content, comes a launch news to inform you of the latest association developments.

But within that rich output are specific pieces that really capture your attention and imagination.

UITP is a gathering point for public transport and the strength of community within our sector has come to define us. By looking back at what interested you most, we can see what output connects us as a sector.

So let’s begin our look back to capture the best memories of the past year, shall we? 

Number 10

Presenting #TheWayWeMove, produced by BBC StoryWorks

Where do we begin with this one? Coming in at number ten on our list of most-read stories is the launch of our brand-new series “The Way We Move, produced for UITP by the incredible team at BBC StoryWorks. Urban mobility is changing. And with a new reality defining the way people move around our cities, a central question kept on emerging:What do we want the future of public transport to look like? Our sector is full of renewed ambition – determined to promote a more inclusive, greener and connected future for urban mobility all over the world.

So how do you show the world what is happening across the globe in public transport? Well communication matters, and telling stories can make a difference. So can partnering with the most creative, talented bunch of people you can find! And there’s no better way to present what public transport can do, should do, and will do, than in a series of beautifully crafted, visually arresting mini-documentaries, shown globally on a brand-new BBC.com microsite. Our new series features 22 UITP members in almost all corners of the globe – and only eight weeks in, it has already broken visibility records – and captured your attention enough to launch an October article into a top ten for the entire year. #TheWayWeMove is live – and stay tuned for even more news on the series all the way up to the next UITP Global Public Transport Summit in Barcelona next June.

Number 9

Climate action with public transport at COP

We need to take action on climate change. We hear this sentiment a lot. And that’s because it’s true. At UITP we know the importance of climate action with public transport and our involvement in the annual climate talks at COP gives us the opportunity to advance the sector’s role, alongside like-minded advocates. This year in Egypt, COP27 aimed to provide solutions and alternatives to the current challenges related to climate change. With the COP27 presidency focusing on implementation, it turned to the sectors that can make a real difference in the fight against climate change – public transport.

UITP stepped forward to lead some of the important initatives before, during and after the COP, and we will continue to highlight the huge potential that sustainable transport can play in addressing climate change to decision makers, highlighting success stories and available opportunities for more climate action. Onwards to a cleaner, healthier planet we go!

Number 8

A tool to build better cities with the Urban Mobility Playbook

Sometimes a publication captures the attention of the audience in such a way that it never really leaves their thinking. And sometimes that publication can have such an impact that it can have been published in the previous year, and still make the top ten in the current twelve months. Step forward “The Urban Mobility Playbook“, first published in 2021, and climbing into our 2022 countdown at number eight.

At UITP, we know that sustainable urban mobility plays a key role for cities in tackling global, economic and societal challenges. We also know that sharing that knowledge with case studies, global examples, and concrete recommendations can really make a difference. After much work and many discussions, the Playbook was published in December 2021 as an update of the better mobility report, which UITP first published 20 years ago, This new publication is a tool for governments and local decision makers to build better urban mobility and achieve inclusive, resilient and sustainable cities. But what exactly are those challenges? And how exactly can cities tackle them with sustainable transport? Perhaps you now know the answers to those questions as the Playbook certainly captured your imagination!

Number 7

Investing in infrastructure Stateside

A massive step in the right direction – but is it enough? That was the conversation on the lips of public transit watchers when the US Government agreed an historic investment bill with the aim of further developing a more sustainable, resilient and equitable economy, creating millions of good jobs year after year, increasing labour force participation, and dealing with the on-going climate crisis. At UITP, we know the value of working with decision makers, and we know how important it is when public transport moves up the political agenda.

In January of this year, more than $550 billion of funding was released for new federal investments in the United States’ infrastructure, covering transportation, broadband and utilities. Our Project Manager Indira Khara took a closer look at what the deal would do for transit across the States, and presented the key facts and figures in a blog from the US. An interesting look at an historical piece of legislation. Our audience agreed, as this start of the year article found itself all the way in at number seven once we closed out 2022.

Number 6

Showing that rural mobility matters in new Knowledge Brief

Why does rural mobility matter? Around the world, rural transport facilities and services are essential elements to drive growth and unlock equity potential. Good rural road infrastructure and services drive agriculture, commerce, trade, industry and allow populations to access opportunities such as education, jobs, health, culture and social activities. That’s quite an important set of objectives for rural mobility! It’s no wonder that it plays a critical role in achieving no less than half of the Sustainable Development Goals. Coming in at number 6 is our second publication of this year’s top ten, with our Knowledge Brief on combining transport solutions to solve rural mobility challenges.

Rural mobility has received far less attention from decision makers than urban mobility. And at UITP we like to cast our net wide to make sure we consider all forms of mobility that work in tandem with city living. Peri-urban and rural areas are in drastic need of support, and the topic deserves its moment in the spotlight. You thought the same, as our 2022 Knowledge Brief has landed at number six in our top ten countdown.

Number 5

A global overview with the latest Metro statistics

Who loves a good set of statistics? Well, everyone it seems! Whether it’s the latest numbers, current breakdown, or comparable datasets, you are always ready to receive a comprehensive overview of global metro data…so much so that our Global Metro Statistics Brief from mid-2022 has hit the midway point in our official annual countdown. Metros are crucial assets for efficient, sustainable mobility in cities worldwide – and in monitoring the global development of metro, UITP has collected data on a series of key indicators including ridership, number of lines, stations and fleet size.

Since our last World Metro Figures in 2018, 14 cities new cities have opened a metro system, taking the total global number to 193 cities. These developments really caught your eye and you continue to love our stats…what was your favourite key development from the latest rail Brief?

Number 4

Inclusivity and accessibility with the TRIPS project

We’re starting off number four in our top ten countdown with a topic of real importance to the public transport sector – promoting inclusive, accessible, and safe modes of transport. Approximately 15% of the world’s population lives with some form of disability and, by 2030 more than 46% of people over the age of 60 will be classified as disabled. As public transport should serve everyone, the sector needs to focus its attention on meeting the needs of all passengers. You clearly agree with this important message, as our focus on accessibility and inclusivity with the launch of our European project TRIPS has landed at number four in our 2022 stats. In fact, endorsing the belief that accessibility is vital for a just society, this project news from late 2021 is still the fourth most read UITP news in 2022.

The goal of TRIPS is to make public transport more accessible for persons with disabilities, elderly travellers and… well, everyone. But how do we achieve this? Well the project focuses its attention on designing practical steps to empower people with disabilities to play a central role in the design of inclusive digital mobility solutions. A bold aim, for a very worthwhile cause.


Number 3

The importance of accessible public transport – for all

We don’t need to wait any time at all to see how important the topic of accessibility and inclusion really is to you – it has also taken the number three slot as we unveil the final stops on our annual countdown. In an important piece of trivia showing just how serious you take the topic of public transport for all, our closer look at accessibility as a global topic was launched as  news just a few weeks ago – and it’s already made it’s way to the number three spot.

Public transport is at a turning point in its history, where it must find a way to transition from a traditional service moving masses of people, to a service offering customised solutions. Customers expect a safe, inclusive, profitable, and multimodal experience, offering personalised services.

One of the most important issues of public transport nowadays is how to make it inclusive and accessible for people with all levels of abilities. Tackling mobility issues encountered by passengers, whether they relate to geographical, physical or social conditions, is one of the main focuses of public transport companies and governments, as mobility is a key factor for economic and social integration. We know how important this topic is. And clearly you agree. Giving it both the number four and three spots – from output in 2021 and 2022.

Number 2

Innovation for a more resilient sector

From 5G to blockchain…which innovations will make public transport more resilient? Whether it be redefinition, or technological advancement, there are many ways to make public transport more resilient – designing urban mobility systems that can adapt quickly, performing proper risk assessments, and training the response to crisis. The sector evolves and innovates constantly. And some of those innovations have the potential to improve the resilience of public transport even further. Taking our number two spot is a story for those interested in innovation, technology and resiliency. Clearly the topic interests many of you as this news from last June just missed the top spot!

Containing a Report from March of this year on use cases for blockchain, our techy tech look at the five innovations that will make public transport and urban mobility even more resilient, was well read and appreciated. But not quite enough to lay claim to the number one spot…

Number 1

The sector steps up – to help the people of Ukraine

Public transport is defined by its strength of community. It is the people who work in it, and the people who use it, who make it the sector we are all proud to call our own. And when we need our sector to step up and play its part, they rally at a moment’s notice. When the devastating situation began to unfold in Ukraine earlier this year, more and more people had to leave their homes every single day. Public transport acted swiftly to play its part in helping those in need. Our sector put measures in place to support those fleeing from Ukraine, many of who have lost everything.

UITP was and is always pleased to see the sector step up in times of need. It shows we take our responsibility to provide essential mobility seriously. By highlighting the important role public transport could play in doing a part to assist, we gathered together an updated overview of action taken across Europe to help. There were, and continue to be many serious issues taking place in Ukraine. And UITP has worked with our members to assist the sector in Kyiv and beyond, as they work to keep systems running. We’re proud of the public transport sector, and the essential workers keeping the tracks moving in Ukraine. Thank you to all who answered our call to action. Your contributions mattered. 

And there you have it. Our Top Ten most viewed and read news stories of 2022.

It’s been another busy and productive year here for us at UITP.

One full of dedication, hard work and the desire to see our membership grow (to record numbers) to advance public transport well into the future.

Our countdown varied in content, much like our output – there’s something for everyone with an eye on sustainable urban mobility.

It also shows the sector reach, and your recognition of it, that our top ten features a variety of topics on events, releases, policy, partnerships and statistics.

Join us in 2023 for even more news, releases, position papers, webinars and events…

From everyone at UITP, we wish you a Merry Christmas, a happy holiday and a joyful New Year.

Stay safe and we’ll see you soon!

Please note that the UITP headquarters in Brussels, Belgium will be closed from Friday 23 December 2022 (close of business) , until 02 January 2023, opening on Tuesday 03 January 2023.

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