The coronavirus pandemic has radically altered our way of life, perhaps permanently.
Throughout this crisis period, each sector has been faced with one crucial existential question: is our work “essential” for life?
Well, the answer depends on the type of life you want to live.
It’s easy to take many things in life for granted: our ability to move, to connect with others, to go about our daily activities, to live on this planet and breathe clean air. Could we even imagine a world where none of this is possible?
Public transport is a healthy, sustainable way of life for all.
This is the theme for the next UITP Global Public Transport Summit to be held in Melbourne, Australia, 6-9 June 2021.
‘Mobility for Life’ forces us to think about the impact of public transport on the life of the user, but how do we, as the sector, meet these customer expectations and ensure we are truly providing a lifelong mobility solution with services that can always be depended on, no matter the circumstance? How do we guarantee ‘Mobility for Life’ for our customers?
As we reflect, one year later, still in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis, there is much to learn from this experience about providing ‘Mobility for Life’ in the most challenging of circumstances.
The Summit 2021 programme will address this theme in five main streams:
You can read more about the Summit theme and these five streams on the Summit website here.
The call for abstracts is now open! We are inviting those interested in showcasing their work, sharing best practices, and exchanging knowledge and ideas from the international stage of the Summit to apply.
All applications must be submitted through the Summit website in order to be considered. Please read more about the terms and conditions before applying.
The deadline for applications is 17 July 2020.
Don’t miss this opportunity to play an active role in the defining public transport event!