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UITP joins REN21 for renewables in public transport

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  • Advocacy
  • Emissions
  • Energy

Working with the energy sector to decarbonise public transport

To decarbonise public transport, we will have to collaborate with the energy sector. That is why UITP joined REN21, the only global renewable energy community of actors from science, governments, NGOs and industry.

Currently, 97% of the energy consumption of the transport sector comes from fossil fuels, while only 3% comes from renewables. “Decarbonising public transport is the fastest and most cost-effective way to achieve carbon neutrality”, says UITP Secretary General Mohamed Mezghani*. “On top of this, recent events have shown us that accelerating the transition to renewables is more essential than ever.”

Mohamed Mezghani sat down with REN21 Executive Director Rana Adib to discuss how they will bridge the gap between the energy and public transport sector.

“We are happy that UITP will put forward the public transport voice in our energy network so we can increase the share of renewable energy in public transport together.”
Rana Adib
REN21 Executive Director

Accelerating the path to clean renewable energy

Late last year, leading up to COP26, UITP and REN21 already worked together on a joint policy brief that examines ‘7 actions for public transport to address emissions and air pollution by advancing renewables’. The brief proposes actions and solutions that can accelerate the path to achieve net zero and carbon neutral goals through the connection between renewable energy and public transport.

Among the seven actions the brief proposes to advance renewables in public transport are:

  • Set ambitious targets and back them up with support policies,
  • Integrate renewables in urban carbon neutral planning,
  • Create an enabling tax and regulatory environment at all levels.

Read the full policy brief for all 7 recommendations!

Associations such as UITP and REN21 collaborate to help both the public transport and renewable energy sectors understand levers of behavioural change and the impact of new technologies, providing critical platforms to exchange best practices and the necessary debate.
Mohamed Mezghani
UITP Secretary General

Knowledge to every decision maker

70% of transport related carbon emissions stems from urban areas. A sustainable urban mobility system, with public transport running on renewable energy as the backbone, is a key ingredient to reaching carbon neutrality.

Together, UITP and REN21 can bring this knowledge to every decision-maker. Mohamed Mezghani: “We can exchange best practices and stimulate debate. This will ultimately advance sustainable urban mobility.”

*Acting on behalf of Mohamed Mezghani SARL

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