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Public Transport and Mobility Authorities

UITP Asia-Pacific Organising Authorities Platform (AP OAP) Elected its New Chairperson

  • Asia-Pacific
  • Data
  • MaaS
  • New mobility
  • Regulations
  • Urban transport policy

Mr Boyoun HWANG, Deputy Mayor for City Transportation at Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG), was unanimously elected by UITP AP OAP Members to lead the platform from 2021 on a two-year term. Mr HWANG joined SMG in 2002 and led Seoul Public Transport Reform which has been the cornerstone of the current Seoul transportation systems. Since 2016, Mr HWANG is one of Seoul’s Deputy Mayors, and was appointed to his current position as the Deputy Mayor for City Transportation in 2019.

Since AP OAP’s establishment in 2017, Judge (ret.) Adj. Prof Richard MAGNUS, Chairman of Singapore Public Transport Council (PTC), has outstandingly chaired the platform to instill trust among AP OAP Members to work together, openly exchange knowledge and best practices on urban public transport policies and operations, inspire peers to adopt forward-looking visions towards improving urban mobility of Asia-Pacific cities.

Deputy Mayor HWANG’s inauguration as new Chairman is planned at the next AP OAP meeting, which will be kindly hosted by PTC Singapore in October 2020.

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