To better reflect the role and functions of authorities within our association, UITP has adapted the structure and naming of our relevant Division and Committee.
In consultation with our related members, UITP Organising Authorities Division is now known as the Public Transport and Mobility Authorities Division and UITP Organising Authorities Committee is now known as the Public Transport and Mobility Authorities Committee.
The Public Transport and Mobility Authorities – both Division and Committee – is a group of UITP members dealing with understanding mobility needs and trends, policies, institutional framework and strategic planning.
The Division and Committee also look at the ways to delivering the best transport supply and the approach of integrating towards a unified network.
UITP provides a unique environment for authorities, where the relevant experts exchange and interact on public transport operations, integrated mobility plans and technological innovation.
With more than 240 authorities as members of UITP covering five continents, the Division looks at the global topics for the community of authorities within UITP.
Authorities shape the very culture of public transport by working closely with city leaders and policy makers to improve public transport on a much more local level.
From planning in a VUCA world, and promoting good transport practices, to prioritising public transport by integrating street design, urban and transport planning, and reflecting on the reinvention of public transport with the regulation of new mobility services…
Authorities are at the forefront of supporting the needs of every day urban mobility.
And now, by advancing the terminology around this important Division and Committee, we can better reflect the role authorities play in UITP.
Learn more about the Public Transport and Mobility Authorities