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Combined Mobility

Power to the passenger: UITP coordinates new research project SHIFT2MAAS

  • Global
  • Future of Mobility
  • MaaS
  • Operators
  • Passenger

Mobility as a Service (MaaS)

When talking about fighting car ownership, the topic of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is on the top of the list. The integration of different transport services into one single mobility offer in which public transport is at the epicentre, has long been considered the solution for changing customer behaviour towards more sustainable options.

UITP’s research into MaaS

To support and further develop MaaS initiatives, UITP has been involved in various research and innovation (R&I) projects on combined and shared mobility. While the project IMOVE looks at unlocking the scalability of MaaS schemes in Europe, Galileo 4 Mobility investigates the benefits of using Galileo satellite technology in a MaaS context. Also focusing on MaaS is the My-TRAC project, which seeks to develop a new mobile application that seamlessly integrates various transport services to improve passenger experience.

UITP is proud to announce that since January 2019 it acts as coordinator of Shift2MaaS, a new R&I project about MaaS. Shift2MaaS is part of Shift2Rail, an initiative aiming to develop one application for the European market that combines all modes and enables passengers to buy one ticket for their entire journey, even when using different transport modes.

The Shift2MaaS project aims to overcome the technical and non-technical barriers for the adoption ofnew MaaS platforms. It will do this by integrating and supporting the uptake of technologies developed in other Shift2Rail projects, such as a ticket booking system, or a journey planner. All of these technologies will together enable the uptake of integrated MaaS schemes.

Shift2MaaS will test its concepts and solutions in three different demonstration sites inLisbon,Malaga, and Central East Corridor.

For more information on Shift2MaaS, you can contact the coordinator of the project, Daria Kuzmina. Or visit the new Shift2MaaS website!

We believe that MaaS is an essential element of any modern urban mobility network. Stay tuned to our newsroom in the coming weeks as we start to unveil more of what we’ve been doing to ensure that MaaS is properly understood and well implemented as part of the mobility offer in cities…
At the UITP Global Public Transport Summit, MaaS will be a much featured topic. Organised by R&I projects IMOVE, Galileo4Mobility, My-TRAC, Shift2MaaS and SMaRTE, there will be a workshop on MaaS technologies on 12 June (invitation only).

Want to discover all MaaS sessions during the Summit? Have a look at the full programme!