EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK takes place annually in September, and every year distributes awards that recognise local authorities– cities and municipalities– believed to have done the most to raise awareness of sustainable mobility through their various coordinated activities throughout the week.
MOBILITYACTIONS taken during the week range from organising a car-free day, leading a walking tour through the city, to opening a new cycling lane on a main road. The actions must be creative, diverse and well-communicated to the public, and there must also be a number of impactful permanent measures taken.
Last year’s EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK theme was ‘Safe walking and cycling’. From 16-22 September 2019, big and small cities all over Europe (and other parts of the world) took part in this campaign.
The EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK Awards are given out in two categories: one for municipalities larger than 50,000 inhabitants, and one for smaller municipalities under this threshold. In addition, the European Commission also selects the winners for the Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning (SUMP) Award, and the EU Urban Road Safety Award.
Congratulations to all of these remarkable cities for their efforts to promote sustainable mobility!