UITP and DG REGIO are organising a Workshop on the role of the Cohesion Policy in supporting a transition to sustainable mobility in the framework of the EU Week of Regions and Cities. The workshop will take place on 21 October from 16.30 to 18.00 in digital format.
Through a series of case study presentations, invited representatives from DG REGIO, UITP and JASPERS Network (EIB) as well as local mobility providers and authorities will share their experience on the crucial role of the Cohesion Policy – through funding, governance and innovation – in the development of modern and efficient local mobility solutions. Moreover, the session will highlight the modal shift necessity and its relation to the forthcoming Green Deal provisions. The event will look at examples from the urban, regional, suburban and cross-border levels.
The event will take place in digital format.
Kindly note that participation will be free of charge, but registration is compulsory and should be done on the EU Week of Regions & Cities website: https://europa.eu/regions-and-cities/programme/sessions/1286_en
The event is organised in the framework of the EU Week of Regions & Cities