LIFE Programme for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action. LIFE covers many thematic areas and may co-finance projects targeting sustainable mobility, including local public transport measures.
Depending on specific environmental issues that mobility projects address, they may be submitted under calls on ‘Air quality – Sustainable road transport mobility’, or ‘Actions in support to the shift to zero-emission mobility reducing CO2’. Costs related to equipment and infrastructure, as well as for the operation of a specific transport service, are eligible. LIFE is not expected to finance projects exclusively focussed on building transport infrastructure.
The new LIFE programme 2021-2027 shall be divided into four sub-programmes: Nature and biodiversity, Circular economy and quality of life, Climate change mitigation and adaptation and Clean energy transition.
Despite that there are currently no separate calls dedicated to transport and mobility, several published calls are including this sector in their priorities and working topics. Applicants should download all the call documents and assess the priorities and topics that are casted under the Section 2.