Special Recognition Award

”Wherever I go this is where I start"


    Elevator pitch
    "Wherever I go, this is where I start” is a back-to-school campaign to reach and engage with Generation Z and to position STCP as a love brand, focusing on storytelling, inclusion, multiculturalism, environmental responsibility, and mobility.
    Project description

    This campaign emerged as a way to communicate with Gen Z, breaking up with the formal and institutional language of public transport companies.

    Taking both their interests and their digital, analogue, and consumer behaviours as a starting point, this is a campaign full of colour, aimed to position STCP, the Sociedade de Transportes Colectivos do Porto, as a love brand and bring the company closer to the values of this market segment: inclusion, environmental responsibility, individuality, creativity, and unrestricted mobility.

    The campaign had a strong presence on social media (using influencers and IG custom AR filters), traditional media (TV and Radio), and interactive offline media. The goal was to give Gen Z consumers power and voice, engaging them in becoming ambassadors for our brand.

    Innovative features

    We consider that we were innovative and disruptive in our storytelling and in the way we interacted with our target. With an amazing engagement, we were bold in designing the message and created a lot of buzz around this campaign. We clearly wanted to speak as and for Gen Z, so we used mostly digital media.

    We created a landing page, designed theme wallpapers, created filters for Instagram using augmented reality, and published playlists on Spotify. Above the line, we had local TV and radio ads, we decorated buses, invested in OOH ads and we filled buses with interactive QR Codes. Though we are a 152 year old public transport operator, we achieved our goal to communicate innovatively, disruptively, and emotionally to a young generation.

    This campaign aimed to follow a path of social approval: communicating STCP as love brand, presenting a “coolness” factor, strengthening behaviour in favour of the environment and with benefits for society. We wanted to position the use of the bus as a form of individual expression and a social statement.

    “Wherever I go, this is where I start” emphasises the possibility of using STCP buses at any time, also invoking positive emotions associated with public transport, such as gaining the autonomy to move around, meeting friends, and shortening journeys and geographical distances. The numbers tell us that we were successful in impacting young people: more than 894,000 people were impacted by this campaign across digital channels alone.

    • AR filters

      for Instagram

    • 894,000+

      people reached across digital channels

    • Interactive QR codes

      printed on buses