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Knowledge Brief

Preparing for a better future: How transport authorities have managed the crisis

  • Global
  • Crisis management
  • Decision-making
  • Funding and financing

How have transport authorities dealt with the crisis, and what’s their plan to build back better?

Over the past year, with the exceptional and continuing COVID-19 crisis, restrictions have been implemented to safeguard health and contain the spread of the virus. While mobility will be severely disrupted in the long-term, the public transport and mobility sector ensured continuity of service for essential workers and vulnerable persons, and the wider population once restrictions were lifted. The sector has also contributed to cushion the social and economic consequences of the crisis on our societies.

To reach this goal, transport authorities have exercised a key leadership role throughout the pandemic, in preparation for a better future.

With international experiences, this Knowledge Brief showcases how some of UITP’s Organising Authorities members have dealt with the crisis and the key lessons learnt to build back better.

This paper complements a Report, summarising global workshops involving over 40 organising authorities from UITP. It covers discussions on strategies, governance, trends and opportunities from the crisis.

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