It is clear to everyone that mobility systems have been dramatically affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
As a result of lockdown, social distance and hygiene requirements, the demand for personal mobility has plummeted, while operational complexity has increased. This scenario will have some provisional elements typical of an emergency, but there are others that will not be changed in the short term or will become permanent.
Considering this reality, the event will bring an intense debate on how mobility systems can act, what are the demands for new governance and what will be the investment perspective, the development of new systems, and the sustainability of the existing transport network.
The seminar is divided into 20 sessions, which will address four macro themes: impact of Covid-19, with short-term impact and action, long-term recovery plans, day-to-day operation, and governance for systems sustainability.
Motivated by the macro themes, we will have several sessions that are divided between modes, such as buses and tracks, and transversal themes that promote the concept of unified mobility, which will bring complementary actors of mobility, themes of platforms for mobility, technological themes and business models.
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The virtual platform will be live for two days. The event will be recorded, and for 30 days it will remain available to watch for those who may have missed the live event.
Está claro para todos que los sistemas de movilidad se han visto dramáticamente afectados por la pandemia de COVID-19.
Como resultado de los “lockdown”, la distancia social, los requisitos de higiene, la demanda de movilidad personal se ha desplomado, mientras que la complejidad operativa ha aumentado. Está claro que este escenario tendrá algunos elementos provisionales propios de una situación de emergencia, pero hay otros que no se modificarán en el corto plazo o se volverán permanentes.
Teniendo en cuenta esta realidad, el evento traerá un intenso debate sobre cómo pueden actuar los sistemas de movilidad, cuáles son las demandas de una nueva gobernanza y cuál será la perspectiva de inversión, el desarrollo de nuevos sistemas y la sostenibilidad de la red de transporte existente.
El seminario está dividido en 12 sesiones, que abordarán cuatro macro temas: impacto de Covis-19, con impacto y acción a corto plazo, planes de recuperación a largo plazo, operación del día a día y gobernanza para sostenibilidad de los sistemas.
Motivados por macro temas, tendremos varias sesiones que se dividen entre modos, como autobuses y rieles, y temas transversales que promueven el concepto de movilidad unificada, que traerán actores de movilidad complementarios, temas de plataformas de movilidad, temas tecnológicos y modelos de negocio.
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Latin America Week 2020 – Digital Experience is part of the UITP Digital World Tour:
The UITP Digital World Tour is a series of online and hybrid events taking place across the globe in 2020/2021 where you can meet, exchange knowledge and connect with your peers in the public transport sector. Enjoy conference sessions, exhibitions and networking opportunities from wherever you happen to be in the world. Join the tour and learn from local and global expertise to help you prepare for the future.